The Weenthunga Committee of Management warmly invites you to an early evening meeting to learn more about the vital role of the AHLO.  Light refreshments will be offered to sustain everyone after their day’s work.

Thursday 10th September, 5:30pm at Level 13, 257 Collins St, Melbourne.

Please join us to learn more about the important work that AHLOs undertake every day, in a complex role that requires them to provide a service to both caregivers and care recipients. AHLOs are crucial in ensuring that First Australian patients and their families get the care and support that they need to navigate the (often daunting) hospital environment and the connections with community based health services, and in supporting health professionals to provide culturally safe and appropriate services.

We will hear an enlightening presentation on the role of the AHLO from Terori Hareko-Samios (Weenthunga Committee Member, and Team Leader, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health, COHEALTH) and Liz Orr (PhD Candidate, and Lowitja Institute Scholarship recipient).

 To Register your attendance: please book here