After 7 amazing years working along-side my co-leader, friend, ankle biter mate Lin I was recently presented with an opportunity to work in WA, Broome. Though it was a difficult discussion to take leave for the next 12 months, I believe that Weenthunga is in a great position with new leadership in Sam and Erin therefore the time was perfect for change.

Weenthunga has wonderful 2 way / cross cultural teams leading the program and have a caring and supportive committee and I thanks them all. I don’t’ think I need to say much as I said many thank-you and was given plenty of hugs before I boarded the plane last week.

The young women in our leadership program Nyarrn-gakgo mangie [hear within] I feel is a legacy that makes my heart sing. I have never felt such a joy of working with such amazing young women and their families. Their sense of responsibility, respect to one another and those that support them is integral to their sense of what it is like to be an Aboriginal woman, and it is clearly reflected when at a last minute request, they will stand up and work with and along-side Weenthunga staff so it truly shows their understanding of reciprocity.

Change is something I have never been afraid of and as I ask for others to take courage to follow their dreams, so must I model this and so crazy Aunty Steff is jumping into a high school teaching role with year 10 VET English and Yr 11 & 12 intercultural studies as well as coordinating and leading a way forward for the local Aboriginal team of Broome senior high. Any supports, links, ideas, connections, and general advice is always appreciated and most people know how to contact me …. just call. Love to all and the blessings of Baiame.