In August Lin Oke flew to Darwin to then drive down to Kalkaringi and join in the 50th anniversary celebrations of the Gurindji’s walk off the Wave Hill cattle station – which is acknowledged as the beginning of the land rights movement. Lin as a student had joined protests back then in the capital cities designed to raise awareness of the totally unacceptable living and working conditions of the Aboriginal stockmen and housekeepers.
The highlight for Lin in Darwin last month was that she stayed with Kelli McIntosh. Early Weenthunga members will remember Kelli as Weenthunga’s first President. She and Lin were the instigators of the Weenthunga Health Network. Kelli’s family relocated to Broome a few years ago and Kelli is now studying Medicine.
Kelli will be a guest speaker at Weenthunga’s Indigenous Health Leadership dinner on Tues 8th November.