The meeting will be held in the offices of the Australian Psychological Society at 257 Collins Street, Melbourne. As we’ll be meeting after hours we’ll need to know who will be attending – as we will need to provide you with access up to level 13 where the meeting will be held.
For those who wish to attend by teleconference, we’ll dial you into the meeting – so we’ll need to know the phone number on which you will be available at that time.
We will send around an agenda and papers at least a week before the meeting.
Please email to let us know by 10.00am Fri 12th August: a)if you will be attending; b) if by phone please provide the phone number; c) if you have any items to discuss.
Please mark Thurs 25th August 7pm indelibly in your diaries. Looking forward to meeting & talking with many Weenthunga members!!