We are excited to announce the Indigenous Women’s Health Yarning Place on the Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet is online! Come celebrate this event at the launch on January 28th 2016 at Co-Health, details on the attached flyer, rsvp by 20/01/16 to kim.huynh@monashhealth.org.

Edith Cowan University’s Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet has developed a Women’s Health Yarning Place in partnership with the Monash Centre for Health Research and Innovation (MCHRI), Monash University supported by funding from the Potter Foundation. The free on line yarning place will facilitate closer connection for those working across the country in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women’s health in a variety of settings including health promotion, clinical care, health research and policy. It provides a space to share stories, successes and learnings.

For further details contact Jacqui Boyle: Jacqueline Boyle (jacqueline.boyle@monash.edu) or Jane Burns (jane.burns@ecu.edu.au).