Weenthunga is excited to share that our Bendigo Nyarrn-gakgo mangkie [hear within] Program is a finalist for the 2019 HART Award, said Sam Paxton spokesperson for Weenthunga Health Network.

The annual HART Awards are presented by Reconciliation Victoria and VLGA. The Awards recognise initiatives that contribute to local reconciliation outcomes.

“Weenthunga [hear and understand] is Aboriginal-led and underpinned by relationships, culture and a ‘two way’ model of collaboration between First Australians and Australians,” said Ms Paxton.

“Our program supports young First Australian women into health careers by bringing together a network of First Australians and Australians from families, local community, education and health. The network provides holistic ongoing support for the young women and encourages them listen to their own voice and find strength in their identity and culture.”

“Our work is based on principles of relationships, respect, reciprocity, responsibility and humility. The views and input of the young women and their families inform our work. An evaluation found the young women felt valued, supported, more confident, inspired by strong Aboriginal women and pride in their Aboriginal identity.”

“Our networks of local supporters work with us to challenge barriers faced by the young women that are often the result of institutional racism and white privilege, and we value this two-way working” said Ms Paxton.

The HART Awards will be presented on Friday 31 May at the Korin Gamadji Institute, during National Reconciliation Week. For further information on the HART Award visit: http://www.reconciliationvic.org.au/hart-awards.

For further information: Sam Paxton 0420 212 113 or Erin McKinnon on 0456 043 154.