Hello Weenthunga members,

 The Weenthunga Health Network is seeking a professional First Australian (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) woman, preferably with connections with community in Melbourne, to undertake, initially, the part-time role of Program Leader in 2018 – 2019. Might you be interested?  We’d love to hear from you!  If not, it would be great if you could share this with anyone who you think might be.

 This exciting role will initially focus on: connecting with First Australian senior secondary school girls in the North East suburbs of Melbourne; facilitating and fostering a local network of supporters (mothers, Aunties; teachers; KESOs; tertiary health academics; health professionals) in the area; coordinating a local Weenthunga Health Day Women’s Talk and some cultural activities to further build resilience in the First Australian school girls. 

You will be provided guidance and direction by Weenthunga’s Manager Programs – with the view to transition in the future into a leadership role in Weenthunga.

 Weenthunga works in a collaborative two ways model and you will work with a Program Administrator and other Weenthunga colleagues in planning and implementing activities. 

For further information contact Lin Oke Executive Officer 0414 473 482 or Steff Armstrong Manager Programs 0487 468 438.  Please email your application, with the names of two referees, to lin@weenthunga.com.au by COB Tuesday 12th June 2018.