The new Committee members are First Australians: Kelli McIntosh, Occupational Therapist, promoter of health careers; Shawana Andrews Social Worker & Health Educator; Karen Hill, Nutrition Therapy, PhD student; and Australians: Delyth Lloyd, Research Psychologist; and Carol Midiochowski, Podiatrist.
Over 40 people enjoyed the lovely dinner in the beautiful home and garden of Pam and Peter Russell and had a wonderful laugh with Denise and Dawn McGuiness, last years winners of the National Deadly Awards.
Josie Ley who organised the fundraising dinner expressed her appreciation to local traders who donated to the dinner:
Fruit Pedallars- Organic Food Shop in Westgarth
Wine from Terminus Hotel, Clifton Hill
Bread from Bakers Delight, Clifton Hill
Meals/other food was kindly made and donated by some Weenthunga members.
Kelli McIntosh especially thanked Josie for her wonderful effort in coordinating the event.